Three Hotels on Broadway Boogie-Woogie - 1949 (oil on canvas, 56x46 inches) echoes the 1940s New York pictures.

Jail Cell, Designed by Piet Mondrian
(Cement, Desk, Bed, Iron Bars: painted and furnished in 1941) evokes New York City, 1942 more directly.

Reitveld rather than Mondrian, but still De Stijl, Red & Blue Electric Chair (Plywood, pine, leather, electric wires, 4' x 2') continues the theme of incarceration.
Mark's descriptions of the pieces is as witty as the pictures themselves and he also writes perceptively and acerbically on art and particularly art institutions. Mark's work is shown here.
Nick, thanks for the kind words and my own little 'gallery' here. {Please have security to tell people to quit trying to touch the art! -- xo mark c