Thursday, 16 April 2020

Gecko and budgie galleries

For future reference, this is posted at the time of the coronavirus lockdown when museums and galleries were closed and most people stayed at home.
Hyperallergic reported that Jill Young in Dallas created a home gallery to entertain her pet gecko, comprising some fine gecko-themed pieces, including a Mondrian (possibly a B219). All © Jill Young.

[Apr24] There's more, again from Hyperallergic, this time for budgies etc. Also a gerbil and a tortoise but no PM seen with those.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Missing Mondrians

I sent a copy earlier this year to Marek Wieczorek, who asked for one. I recently found that Franseco Visalli is working on a similar project and so sent him a copy today. I have ordered five more from Lulu with no changes other than the publication details.